2009 Fryer Family Reunion in Hawaii

Fryer - Henley - Ward - Lovell
Family History

This is a website created to share, archive and amplify the history, geneology, and oral history of our larger Fryer, Henley, Ward, and Lovell families. Wesley Albert Fryer's parents are/were Thomas Albert FRYER (Tom) and Angelyn HENLEY Fryer (Angie.) Shelly Youngblut Fryer's parents were Carl WARD and Clara Louise (LOVELL) Ward.

Members of our extended Fryer Family should join our private "Fryer Family Facebook Group." 

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Family photo at Carl and Clara's retirement celebration from Lubbock ISD in May 2001.

Wes spending time with Grandaddy (Wes' mom's dad) at 3 months old